Authentically Kinky (formerly known as What Women and Other Wonderful Humans Want)
NonSense and DISIRability with Angela Car and FallBunny
December 15, 2020
The founder of DisirABILITY, Angela Car, and my NonBinary Friend Fall Bunny discuss the challenges of establishing connection when it comes to disability and gender identification
Angela Car (she/her) is a sex and kink positive disability educator born with Spina Bifida. Angela shares her unique perspective navigating relationships, sex, and intimacy. Angela came into the kink lifestyle 8 years ago and has been in a 24/7 total power exchange relationship for the past 5 years on the right side of the slash. Her areas of expertise include LGBTQ+, bladder and bowel incontinence, polyamory, and kink. Angela’s podcast called DISIRabilityALT explores disability, desire and alternative relationships.  . All who identify as female are welcome.

FallBunny is a 20-something non-bianary kinkster that is just beginning to delve into the wonderful world of kink. Staying home due to disabilities and being outside of the binary has given them an interesting look on life. Fall is always looking to learn something new and is always looking to help someone out.